ثبت نشده
jor uni ver si ties, Mich i gan State Uni ver sity main tains a range of struc tural units to sup port ac tiv i ties and func tions which, col lec tively sus tain an en vi ron ment in sup port of the in tel lec tual en ter prise that is Mich i gan State Uni ver sity. Such ac tiv i ties and func tions in clude re search; out reach and en gage ment pro grams; cul tural events; health, coun sel ing, and recreative ser vices; and pub lic in for ma tion. Some of the ma jor units are de scribed in the state ments that fol low.
منابع مشابه
Managing Urban Disaster Risk Analysis and Adaptation Frameworks for Integrated Settlement Development Programming for the Urban Poor
The De part ment's field of re search cov ers the en tire pro cess of plan ning, con struc tion and man age ment, from con cep tuali sation to de mo li tion and re use. Re search stud ies in clude tech nol ogy as well as so cial stud ies, hu man i ties and arts. These can be stud ied in an in ter-dis ci plin ary and multi-dis ci plin ary way, or more in-depth stud ies can be car ried out within...
متن کاملShort-term dynamic psychotherapies in the treatment of major depression.
I com mend the ex cel lent work of Dr Ken-nedy, Dr Lam, and the work ing group that pro vided the Clin i cal Guide lines for the Treat ment of De pres sive Dis or ders (1). This let ter is to pro vide up dated in for ma-tion from a sys tem atic re view of short-term dy namic psychotherapies (STDPs) cur rently be ing con ducted under the Cochrane Col lab o ra tion (2) and to dem on strate that c...
متن کاملPreliminary Results of the Cordilleran Geochemistry Project: A Comparative Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting
Ef fec tive min eral ex plo ra tion in the Nechako Pla teau and ad join ing re gions of cen tral Brit ish Co lum bia has for many years been hin dered by thick for est cover, an ex ten sive blan ket of till and other gla cial de pos its and, lo cally, wide spread Ter tiary ba salt cover. Where un der taken, re gional till and lake sed i ment geo chem i cal sur veys have been ef fec tive as re c...
متن کاملImaging brain chemistry and function in neuropsychiatric disorders.
Over 20 years have now passed since the first posi tron emis sion to mo gra phy (PET) stud ies were pub lished. At the time, it seemed that the mys ter ies of psy chi at ric ill nesses would be re vealed in only a few years. How na ïve we were: the brain has proved to be un be lieva bly com plex. Af ter 2 dec ades of ex pen sive and dif fi cult re search, we do not have a sin gle brainimaging t...
متن کامل4th Report on The World Nutrition Situation: Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle
United Na tions Ad min is tra tive Com mit tee on Co or di na tion in col labo ra tion with In ter na tional Food Pol icy Re search In sti tute (IFPRI) th Re port on Copy right © 2000 UN ACC SubCommittee on Nu tri tion ACC/SCN pub li ca tions may be re pro duced with out prior per mission , but please at trib ute to the ACC/SCN. The des ig na tions em ployed and the pres en ta tion of ma te ria...
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دوره شماره
صفحات -
تاریخ انتشار 2015